A Little of Your Time Equal The Truth.

God : is one. God : Not unprecedented. God : is not Born him.

Allah Said In The Holy Quran (Surat Qaf Aya16):
- And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein.

Site talking about ?? All about Islam.
1) Who is God (Allah),
     His : (qualities - Mercy - Greatness - Queen -Creation)...

2)°: Who Is The Prophet Muhammad, 
     His : ( Life & Sunnah)...

3)°: What Is Islam :   
       1: (The Five Pillars) - 2: (The Six Pillarsof Faith)  - 3: (Conditions There Is No God But God) - 
6: (The prayer) - 7: (Fasting Ramadan) - 8: (The Holy QURAN)  - 9: (Hadiths) - 10: (The Prophets) - 
11: (Islamic Law) - 12: (The Hereafter)...

4)°: Videos prove the truth.
5)°: Reason for ::
    Why  :  - Most Countries And Religions Of The World Turn To Islam, And Muslims Do Not Go Out of Islam.

     Why  : - The Jews, Christians, Foreigners, And Celebrities Of The World, Converts To Islam, " Evidence In The Video " (( at the bottom of the site )).

What Is Islam ??  

Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people. For a fifth of the world's population, 

Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness.

Such as greeting Muslims, 
(Assalamo Alaykom Wa Rahmato Allah - Peace, mercy and blessings of God )
It is a wish for the other, to be blessed with peace,

The word Islam means voluntary “Submission” or “Surrender” to the Will of God. It derives from the root word “salam,” meaning peace.

Islam is a natural way of life that encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with God and His creation. Islam teaches that it is through the doing of good deeds and seeking the pleasure of God that souls find true happiness and peace. It is in this context that the word Islam derives from the root word “salam,” or peace.

In the Quran, God defines that the only purpose for which He created mankind is to Worship Him. Islam recognizes that humankind has free choice in whether to obey or disobey God, but ultimately we will be held accountable to God in the next life for the choices that we make in this life.

Islam recognizes the close relationship between the body and soul. Whereas the body originates from the earth and has a defined period of life on this earth, the soul originates from God and does not die. 

Islam encourages the individual to focus on keeping the soul healthy, through the remembrance, obedience and worship of God. There should be a correct balance in strengthening the soul and not over-indulging with the pleasures of the body.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Indeed, one out of every five persons on this earth is a Muslim. There are nearly 3 million Muslims living in United Kingdom and the number is growing. Yet, unfortunately, Islam is also the most misunderstood religion. Muslims live in different parts of the world ranging from China to Argentina, Russia to South Africa. The country with the largest Muslim population is Indonesia.

slam means the active submission to the one God. It is strictly a monotheistic religion since it restricts worship to the one supreme Lord who is the Originator and Creator of the universe. Peace (the root from which the word Islam is derived) is attained through complete obedience to the commandments of God, for God is the source of all peace. Muslims are those who believe in one God and in Muhammad as the final Prophet of God. They devote their lives to the service of God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

Islam teaches that God (called Allah in Arabic) is the source of all creation and that human beings are the best of His creation. He communicates by inspiring them towards goodness and by sending Prophets who deliver God’s messager of God”.

God sent Prophets to teach mankind how to worship Him; starting with Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the last of the messengers, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). The Islamic position is that all of these prophets came with the same message, that there is no deity worthy of worship except the One True God, known in Arabic Bismi (Allah).

Who is GOD ?? 

      And how is his greatness, his qualities, his ability ??

In the name of God the Merciful :

Allah says in the Quran: { I created the jinn and mankind just for worship Me}, the scientists said, that "just for worship Me" are "only to unite and know", then we need to know before worship God, Because God is worshiped with knowledge.

{Who is God, His Greatness, His qualities, His ability} 
God is the one who created all things, it was not something which is before anything, 
God had nothing with him, the Almighty is the first before the creation of everything, Is the last after all.

God does not need one of his creation, because it Samad, has everything, the creator of everything, - has livelihood everything, the owner of everything, his controlled Everything, Messier everything, do not move without his permission nor stillness. 

Allah has beautiful names and sublime attributes, and the creature unlike the names and attributes of the Almighty, if God the Creator, without God's creature, God Raziq and without Marzouk, God is rich and without poor, Allah is great, and without a small, God is strong and without him weak, God is the owner and without it owned. 

The Prophet Muhammad Messenger of Allah bless him Said : Five words, he said: "The Almighty God does not sleep and should not sleep, lowers the premium and bump up, lifted him work the night before the work day and work the day before the work of the night. 

God has a perfect, nor incapable of anything: not the disappearance from the skies sky, not the ground to the ground, not the sea is in its bottom, not a mountain in its rugged kindest, and most merciful, "God is gracious than the mother to her son
" the Almighty is the Lord of lords, and reasoned reasons, He knows mountain weights, His Know the number of leaves of trees, and the number of grains of sand, and the number of drops of rain Almighty knows, and knows what number it darker the night and the day shone upon. 

God nearby, not far, God: creator, optimizer, overall, the principle of the blessings before Her entitlement. 

Almighty create the heavens without pillars, and the extension of the sea on the ground froze, Creating humans and counting number, And the difference of livelihood and didn't forget anyone.

      Almighty God waits but does not neglect, and the Almighty has the ability to perform, has the absolute Almighty for forgiveness, and absolute pardon, and the Almighty has absolute compassion, and tender absolute. 

God Almighty has Sura has come on all aspects of his greatness and unification and approval in worship, 

Allah Said In The Holy Quran (Surat Al-Ikhlas):

In the name of God the Merciful 
"He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent."

The Five Pillars.

The pillars of Islam are the essential duties that all Muslims must follow. The most notable and respected are five in number.  "Islam is built on five pillars" 19:

  - 1: Faith in one God (TAWHID) ALLAH              and  MOHAMED recognition as his            prophet.
  - 2: The prayer daily five times a day,                SALAT.
  - 3: Giving zakat (support of the needy),

  - 4: Fasting during the month of                       Ramadan.

  - 5: the pilgrimage to Makkah once in a            lifetime for those who are able.

(For detailed more information about 
The Five Pillars).

Click HERE )

The Six Pillars of Faith

                            To have faith in God, in the Hereafter, in angels, in Holy Books, in prophets, in Predestination and Decree. In order for somebody to be a Believer, he needs to have faith in all of these six pillars. A person who has no faith even in one of them cannot be a Believer because the pillars of faith are related with each other.


(For detailed more information about 
The Six Pillars of Faith).

Click HERE )

Who Is the Prophet Muhammad ?

In the name of God, praise God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.

Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, is the man
beloved by more than 1.2 billion Muslims.  He is the man who taught us patience in the face of adversity, and taught us to live in this world but seek eternal life in the hereafter.  It was to Prophet Muhammad that God revealed the Quran.  Along with this Book of guidance God sent Prophet Muhammad, whose behavior and high moral standards are an example to us all.  Prophet Muhammad’s life was the Quran.  He understood it, he loved it and he lived his life based on its standards.  He taught us to recite the Quran, to live by its principles and to love it.  When Muslims declare their faith in One God, they also declare their belief that Muhammad is the slave and final messenger of God. 

When a Muslim hears Muhammad’s name mentioned they ask God to send blessings upon him.  Prophet Muhammad was a man, a human being just like any other man, but it is his love for humanity that sets him apart.  Muslims love Prophet Muhammad, but it is his love for us, that makes him a man like no other.  He longed for Paradise not only for himself but also for all of us.  He wept tears not for himself but for his Ummah[1], and for humanity.  He was often heard to cry "O God, my Ummah, my Ummah".

Muslims also believe in the same Prophets mentioned in Jewish and Christian traditions, including Noah, Moses, Abraham and Jesus, and they believe that all prophets came with the same message – to worship God alone, without partners, sons or daughters.  There is a difference, however, between all other prophets and Prophet Muhammad.  Before Muhammad, prophets were sent to particular people in particular places and periods.  Muhammad however, is the final Prophet and his message is for all of humankind.

God tells us in the Quran that He did not send Prophet Muhammad except as a mercy for humankind.  "And we have sent you O Muhammad, not but as a mercy for humankind and all that exists."  (Quran 21:107)  God did not say Muhammad  was sent to the people of Arabia, or to men, or to the people of the 7th century.  He made it clear that Prophet Muhammad was a prophet like no other, one whose message would spread far and wide and be applicable in all places for all times.  Muslims love him, respect him and follow him.  They hold him in such regard that for many it is emotionally painful to see or hear their beloved mentor ridiculed or disrespected. 

Throughout history and around the world non-Muslims have shown great respect and honour to Prophet Muhammad and he is considered influential in both religious and secular matters.  Mahatma Ghandi described him as scrupulous about pledges, intense in his devotion to his friends and followers, intrepid, fearless, and with absolute trust in God and in his own mission.  Prophet Muhammad taught Islam as a way of life, founded an empire, laid down a moral code and instituted a code of law focusing on respect, tolerance and justice.

What is it about Prophet Muhammad that inspires such devotion?  Is it his gentle and loving nature, his kindness and generosity or is it his ability to empathise with all of humanity?  Muhammad was a selfless man who devoted the last 23 years of his life to teaching his companions and followers how to worship God and how to respect humanity.  Prophet Muhammad was acutely aware of just how much responsibility had been thrust upon him by God.  He was careful to teach the message just as God had prescribed and warned his followers not to adulate him the way Jesus, son of Mary was praised.[2]

Muslims do not worship Prophet Muhammad; they understand that he is only a man.  However, he is a man worthy of our utmost respect and love.  Prophet Muhammad loved humanity so much that he would weep out of fear for them.  He loved his Ummah with such deep and profound devotion that God remarked on the depth of his love for us in Quran.

"Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muhammad) from amongst yourselves.  It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty.  He (Muhammad) is anxious over you (to be rightly guided, to repent to God, and beg Him to pardon and forgive your sins, in order that you may enter Paradise and be saved from the punishment of the Hell-fire), for the believers he is full of pity, kind, and merciful." (Quran 9:128)

Prophet Muhammad taught us to love God and to obey Him.  He taught us to be kind to each other, to respect our elders, and care for our children.  He taught us that it was better to give than to receive and that each human life is worthy of respect and dignity.  He taught us to love for our brothers and sisters what we love for ourselves.  Prophet Muhammad taught us that families and communities are essential, and he pointed out that individual rights although important are not more important than a stable, moral society.  Prophet Muhammad taught us that men and women are equal in the sight of God and that no one person is better then another except in respect to his or her piety and devotion to God.

Who is Prophet Muhammad?  Quite simply he is the man who will stand before God on the day of Requital and beg God to have mercy on us.  He will intercede for us. Muslims love him because he is the slave and messenger of God, he is a mercy to humankind and his gentleness, and devotion to humanity is unprecedented.

The Greatest Man - Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu'Alayhi Wa Sallam)

The Quran. 

                                                                                                       Site Web :: ( Read + Listen ), Quran English.
What is the Quran?

Miracle of Allah and Final Testament to Humankind.

   The Qur'an (al القرآن qourān, "read") is the most sacred book of Muslims. This is the first book known to have been written in Arabic, which he helped to set [ref. needed]. Muslims consider the word of God transmitted to Muhammad. Being illiterate, they are some of the companions scholars such Zaid ibn Thabit, who have written the verses of the Qur'an As revelations What would Muhammad. These verses were written on sheets, pieces of leather, In sum, any media on which the scribes could write verses that Muhammad dictait25, 26.

The Quran, the last revealed word of God, is the primary source of every Muslim’s faith and practice.  It deals with all the subjects which concern human beings: wisdom, doctrine, worship, transactions, law, Miracles,And events from the beginning of the universe to its end, etc..., but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures.  At the same time, it provides guidelines and detailed teachings for a just society, proper human conduct, and an equitable economic system.

The Quran represents the fountainhead of Divine guidance for every Muslim. Its revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his practical implementation of the revelation, completed God’s blessing for humanity, in providing us with a belief and value system that is valid for all times.

The Quran confirms the revelations given to earlier Prophets, though these might not be accessible to us, in the form they were originally revealed. The most sublime language and a rational message that directly appeals to the human heart have caused this Divine book to move nations and civilizations. It will continue to guide those who turn to God with a sincere heart, for all times.

Most Muslims have great respect for the Qur'an and make ablution, that is to say, as a wash for prayers before reading it. ,

The Quran is divided into one hundred and fourteen chapters called suras, of varying lengths. These chapters are themselves composed of verses called ayat (plural of Arabic ayah, "evidence", "revelation"). The order of suras and verses as we know it was dictated by Muhammad.

Most stores at least a portion of the Qur'an in its original language, Arabic. This part corresponds to the verses needed to daily prayers. Those who have memorized the entire Quran are known as Hafiz. There are several translations of the Quran from Arabic into other languages. Some Muslims believe that the Qur'an exists only in its original Arabic and translations are of human origin are imperfect and fallible and because of characteristics polysemous itself untranslatable Arabic, and finally because the content was inspired just in that language. They therefore consider translations as comments or interpretations of its meaning, not as the Qur'an itself. Many modern versions have the Arabic text on one page and the translation on the page facing it. , but the explanation and clarification of the book in any language other than Arabic or Arabic (so to understand the text original) are permitted if done by someone not including the words according to the language, but according to the rules of religion.

It is Qur'an which transformed the simple shepherds and wandering Bedouins of Arabia into the founders of empires, the builders of cities, the collectors of libraries. If a system of religious teachings is evaluated by the changes which it introduces into the way of life, the customs and beliefs of its follower, then Qur'an as a code of life is second to none.

Tip: To know the power of the Quran, and to make sure that it is not the words of a human being, listen only to the Quran and your eyes closed, and your brain free of ideas, as if you are trying to feel what is happening inside your body,
Here you will know the truth of falsehood.

And to be more sure read the entire Koran in your language and understanding its meanings to short the knowledge of the truth.

Do not hesitate to explore the Holy Quran, And this is web : Holy Quran

Hadiths & Riyad Us-Saliheen.

What is Hadith?
The Hadith is the record of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad. The sayings and conduct of Prophet Muhammad constitute the Sunnah.

The Hadith has come to supplement the Holy Qur’an as a source of the Islamic religious law. The Hadith is the second pillar after the Qur’an upon which every Muslim rests his faith. Hadith consists of Mat'n and Isnad. Mat'n means the text of the Hadith, while Isnad means the chain of transmitters to that Hadith.

The book was compiled by Imam An-Nawawi who was the great scholar of Hadith and Fiqh of his time. Commentaries on the Ahadith have been added by Hafiz Salahuddin Yusuf of Pakistan who had originally executed them for the Urdu edition of this book. The English translation of the book and the - commentaries was performed by Dr. Muhammad Amin and Abu Usamah Al-Arabi bin Razduq who have performed their task with utmost care and profound interest.

An extremely popular and useful compilation of authentic hadith. Covering every aspect of Islamic belief and moral conduct, it selects approximately 2000 hadith from the six major collections: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, An-Nisai and Ibn Majah. It serves as an excellent hadith primer and daily reader. Wide range of topics: sincerity of purpose, spending in the way of Allah, rules of fasting, seeking knowledge, attending funerals and safeguarding the Quran and talk of all things and human life. Arabic text as well as English translation are presented here in this handsome hardcover two volume set.

Riyadh us Saliheen comprises of about 2000 ahadiths in 372 Chapters and 19 Sections: The Book of Good Manners - The Book about the Etiquette of Eating - The Book of Dress -The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying and Sitting, etc.- The book of Greetings - The Book of Visiting the Sick - The Book of Etiquette of Traveling - The Book of Virtues - The Book of I'tikaf - The Book of Hajj - The Book of Jihad - The Book of Knowledge - The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah - The Book of Supplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah's Messenger (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) - The Book of the Remembrance of Allah - The Book of Du'a (Supplications) - The Book of the Prohibited Actions - The Book of Miscellaneous Ahadith of Significant values - and The Book of Forgiveness.           

Hadith Compilation

The Apostles and Prophets.

Muslims consider sending prophets is mercy and grace of God to his creatures, because reason alone can not know everything that saves the beyond. Their main function is to show people the way, the way (Shariah) which leads to eternal happiness. And to prove their truth, Allah supported by unusual facts, namely that miracles are relentless challenges that no one can thwart or imitate.

All the prophets of Allah have made ​​a good behavior and conduct exemplaire. They are necessarily immunized against blasphemy, major sins and minor sins reflecting baseness of character, both before and after the prophetic mission. The first Adam and the last is Muhammad.

According to Islam all prophets are subject to God, that is to say all Muslims and have called on people to join their religion. Indeed, its meaning is to believe in One God without associating him and believe in the message of Muhammad sent for his time.

The texts explain that Adam opened the prophetic function, while it is Muhammad, the last, it was closed, The exact number of prophets is unknown, but in some accounts their number is mentioned 124000,

Some prophets were having special and particular laws and some others were not having special code of laws; on the contrary they promoted the Shariah of the previous prophet. Some of them brought scriptures and some others did not bring any books. Sometimes there were more than one prophet in a single town or city, who fulfilled the duties of prophethood.

It is narrated from Abu Dharr that one day he asked the Messenger of Allah : How many prophets are there in all? He replied: One hundred and twenty four thousand. He then asked: How many of them were messenger prophets? He replied: Three hundred thirteen from the above group. He asked: Who was the first of them? He replied: Adam. He asked: Was he a messenger prophet? He replied: Yes, Almighty Allah created him with His own hands and blew His spirit into him. At that moment the Holy Prophet said: O Abu Dharr:

There were four from the Syriac prophets: Adam, Sheeth, and Ukhnuh, who is also called Idris and who was the first to write and Nuh. Four of them were Arabs: Hud, Salih, Shuaib and your prophet, Muhammad. The first prophet among Bani Israel was Musa and the last of them was Isa and they were in all six hundred prophets.

Abu Dharr asked: O Messenger of Allah, how many heavenly scriptures descended? He replied: One hundred and four, of which Almighty Allah revealed to Sheeth fifty scrolls, thirty on Idris and twenty on Ibrahim. He also revealed Taurat, Injeel, Zabur, and The Quran is the book ring and book collector.

Five great divine prophets brought new sets of laws (Shariah) and they are known as Ulul Azm prophets. They were: Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad .

Ismail Jofi has narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir that he said:

The Ulul Azm prophets are five in number: Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad is the Seal of the Prophets who must follow Him.

 Including : Abraham (Ibrahim), David (Dâwûd), Isaac (ISHAQ), Ishmael (ISMA'IL), Jacob (YA'QUB), Jean-Baptiste (YAHYA), Jethro (CHOU 'AYB) Job (AYYOUB), Jonah (YUNUS), Joseph (YOUCOUF), Lot (LUT), Moses (MUSA), Noah (NUH), Solomon (SULAYMAN), Zechariah (ZAKARIYYA), Jesus(ISSAH), Mohamad (Mohammed).
Stories Of All Prophets and Apostles.

Descriptions of the life after death :: ( Heaven and Hell ).

Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam who passed away in 632, related:

"Gabriel came to me and said, ‘O Muhammad, live as you wish, for you shall eventually die.  Love whom you desire, for you shall eventually depart.  Do what you please, for you shall pay.  Know that the night-prayer[1]  is the honor of a believer, and his pride is being independant on others.’" (Silsilah al-Saheehah)

If there is only one thing certain about life, it is that it ends.  This truism instinctively raises a question which preoccupies most people at least once in their life: What lies beyond death?

At the physiological level, the journey that the deceased takes is plain for all to witness.  If left alone to natural causes,[2]  the heart will stop beating, the lungs will stop breathing, and the body’s cells will be starved of blood and oxygen.  The termination of blood flow to the outer extremities will soon turn them pale.  With the oxygen cut off, cells will respire anaerobically for a time, producing the lactic acid which causes rigor mortis – the stiffening of the corpse’s muscles.  Then, as the cells begin to decompose, the stiffness wanes, the tongue protrudes, the temperature drops, the skin discolors, the flesh rots, and the parasites have their feast - until all that is left is dried-out tooth and bone.

As for the journey of the soul after death, then this is not something that can be witnessed, nor can it be gauged through scientific enquiry.  Even in a living body, the conscious, or soul, of a person cannot be subjected to empirical experimentation.  It is simply beyond human control.  In this regard, the concept of a Hereafter - a life beyond death, resurrection, and a Day of Reckoning, not to mention the existence of a Divine, Omnipotent Creator, His angels, destiny, and so on - comes under the subject of belief in the unseen.  The only way in which man can come to know anything of the unseen world is through divine revelation.

"And with God are the keys of the unseen, none knows them but He.  And He knows whatever there is in (or on) the earth and in the sea; not a leaf falls, but He knows it.  There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a Clear Record." (Quran 6:59)

While what has come down to us of the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel - the scriptures revealed to early prophets - all speak of a Hereafter, it is only through God’s Final Revelation to humanity, the Holy Quran, as revealed to His Final Prophet, Muhammad, that we learn most about the afterlife.  And as the Quran is, and will forever remain, preserved and uncorrupted by human hands, the insight it gives us into the world of the unseen is, for the believer, as factual, real and true as anything that can be learnt through any scientific endeavor (and with a zero margin of error!).

"…We have neglected nothing in the Book; then unto their Lord they shall all be gathered." (Quran 6:38)

Coupled with the question of what happens after we die, is the question: Why are we here? For if there is indeed no greater purpose to life (that is, greater than simply living life itself), the question of what happens after death becomes academic, if not pointless.  It is only if one first accepts that our intelligent design, our creation, necessitates an intelligence and designer behind it, a Creator who will judge us for what we do, that life on earth carries any significant meaning.

"Then did you think that We created you in vain and that to Us you would not be returned?  Therefore exalted be God, the Sovereign, the Truth; no deity is there save Him, Lord of the Supreme Throne." (Quran 23:115-116)

If aught else, a discerning person would be forced to conclude that life on earth is full of injustice, cruelty and oppression; that the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, is what is paramount; that if one cannot find happiness in this life, whether due to an absence of material comforts, physical love, or other joyous experiences, then life is simply not worth living.  In fact, it is precisely because a person despairs of this worldly life while having little, no, or imperfect faith in an afterlife, that they may commit suicide.  After all, what else do the unhappy, unloved and unwanted; the dejected, (desperately) depressed and despairing have to lose?![3]

"And who despairs of the Mercy of his Lord except those who are astray?" (Quran 15:56)

So can we accept that our death is limited to mere physiological termination, or that life is merely a product of blind, selfish evolution?  Surely, there is more to death, and so to life, than this.

Proof of the existence of Heaven and Hell 

Dr Zakir Naik



  See :: Jews, Christians, foreigners, and celebrities of the world, converts to Islam.  

Some of the names of celebrities who have declared their Islam

 Yusuf Estes - Ingrid Mattson - Malcolm X - Yusuf Islam(Cat Stevens)- Nicolas Onelka - Franck Ribéry - Bizzy Bone - Bernard Hopkins - Ghostface Killah - Qneen Nor Of Fordan - Yvonne Ridley - Muhammed Ali - Art Blakey -  Fermaine Fackson - Silma Hmam - Philippe troussier - Eric Abidal - David Chappelle - Mike Tyson - Régis Fayette Mikano - Everlast - .

1:) Islamic miraclemy brothersif you saw a videoyou know right, God willing.

3:) CTL 2013 - Arnoud Van Doorn - The Former Islamophobe accepted Islam

4:) Yusuf Islam - The Beauty of Islam (Cat Stevens).

5:) Michael Jackson converts to Islam.


6:) Heavy Metal Punk Musician Convert to Islam!. 

7:) Why Chaplain convert to Muslimc, The story of Yusuf Estes.

8:) A Australian girl tell her emotional story why she converted to Islam : New.

9:) Very Emotional Video new convert To Islam the best scenes Ever seen in World. 

10:) Broadcaster insulted the Prophet, died immediately!.

11:) Priest tries to evangelize Muslims, two children Look at how it responds‎.

12:) A group of foreigners converted to Islam.

  13:Islam Story of an American rap singer, a friend 2Pac

French Muslim says Islam factin front of the Jewsand the Christians, and atheistswhat happened.

Islam priest because of Ahmed Deedat.

Film .: The Message :.(english version) HD [Ar-Risalah ~ الرّسالة] 

 What's Islam ? Islam in Brief - Yusuf Estes

Choose Your Interest Video